
Group: DynoMotion Message: 628 From: bouseman_73 Date: 9/3/2010
Subject: First start KFlop + KAnalog

I see non zero state for input chanals (digital and analog), see links. Me seems it strange, becouse nothing connected to KAnalog and KFlop. I think it must be zero (null) in this case.

Is it normal?

Digital I\O 

Analog I\O


Group: DynoMotion Message: 629 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 9/3/2010
Subject: Re: First start KFlop + KAnalog
Both are normal. 
The Digital Inputs are very high impedance mosfets (multi-meg ohms) so they will float to random values.  If you want the inputs to be meaningful you must connect them to something that actively drives them high or low.  In earlier versions we used to enable internal pull down resistors, but that interfered with certain applications (open collector outputs).
Similarly with open Analog inputs they must be actively driven or they will float to this value.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 630 From: bouseman_73 Date: 9/4/2010
Subject: Re: First start KFlop + KAnalog
Tom, thank you very much for explanation
